Yeah, if you're looking for "ordinary," Captain, I think you're in the wrong place.
Terebinth will of course continue every Monday. I'm convinced that it's become a part of my autonomous nervous system by now. Heck, I may even get back to producing pages there more then once a week now. One never knows, do one?
"Hey, Your Nose Is on Fire" Industries
"sandpaper for the eyes"--Jeff
Bent "...I am now pretty
mesmerized"--Jason Turner
"CRAP!!!"--D.J. Coffman "Good story going on there."--Jeff Skinner "i am about ten times more into this story than i thought i was."--John Campbell "...makes me wonder what's going to happen next."--Paul
Gadzikowski "...get a font that looks more pleasing or comic-booky."--Robin
Bougie "He's another almost
completely underrated contestant."--John
Hill "Definitely the best set of anthro stories I've come across"--"Adie
Spiffystuff" "Yeah, Mike Payne should have this
thing sewn up by 2045"--Tim Hulsizer "Ow!! My Eyes!!!"--Scott Ruggels
New pages should occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For earlier stories, visit our Table of Contents!
Of a Feather, Page 53