The Lure of the Mechanical

A Poem a Day for the month of August, 2022

by Michael H. Payne

August 2022
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1. The Lure of the Mechanical 11. The Machine's Fourth Poem: Stretching Exercises 21. The Machine's Seventh Poem: Respectful Defiance
2. Setting the Plot in Motion 12. It's All Just a Joke! Really! 22. La, La, La, La, La!
3. The Machine's First Poem: Aghast 13.The Machine's Fifth Poem: Clichés 23. The Machine's Eighth Poem: Fear
4. Shocked 14. Taking Charge 24. A Modest Proposal
5. The Machine's Second Poem: Catching a Bullet 15: Oh, Who Am I Kidding? 25. Round and Round
6. An Invitation to Dialogue 16. Brace for Impact 26. The Machine's Ninth Poem: Don't Think and Drive
7. An Adversarial Villanelle 17. The Machine's Sixth Poem: You're Soaking in It 27. A Sudden Realization
8. An Entirely Reasonable Response 18. What? What? 28. We'll Make This Quick
9. The Machine's Third Poem: Dig Deeper 19. My Method and My Madness 29. A Conversational Villanelle
10. Another Entirely Reasonable Response 20. Rhapsodic 30. A Meeting of the Minds?
    31. Such Sweet Poison