A collection of poetic musings and grotesque anomalies

     Kestrel comes to reconsider
his life in general and his station
in the comic strip in particular...

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[Kestrel's Sestina About Most of His Fellow Cast Members]

[And His Set of Limericks About The Cast Member He Left Out of the Above]

[A Sonnet on the Subject of How Every Little Bit Helps]
written as part of the 2005 Webcomic Telethon, a Red Cross fund-raiser for Hurricane Katrina relief.

Poems from the Old Speculations Message Board

     Kent Brewster used to run this web site in support of his SF writing magazine Speculations. I was a subscriber, and because of that, much to my surprise, I discovered in early 2002 that I had a message board over there. I used it to write poems for the next two years, and other folks wrote poems back.

     Well, in March, 2008, Kent shut down the Speculations web site, and that, I thought, was that for the poems. Till I remembered archive.org, and typing in the old board's URL, I found the whole thing stored there quite nicely. So I figured I'd put all 104 posts from the board here in the Poetic Annex.

     And so, without further adieu, I re-present Poems from the Old Speculations Message Board.