For those who, like Chief Henshaw, might want to review what's been going on as we enter the Epilogue Week for Book VII of Daily Grind, I'll supply a link back to the first page of the book: ten months it's been for us, but just three weeks for Our Heroes.
As for what Norma's talking about, let me send you back to this page in the middle of "Iris Out," our 35th storyline, where Norma gives us a glimpse of her real feelings about Fran Hengular and the events leading up to her decapitation.
I'll also mention that, according to StatCounter, last week saw the most "hits" ever recorded on these pages: heck, last Thursday, we crossed into 3 digits, something I don't think I've ever seen before! I can't discover any reason for it, but here's hoping the artwork around here didn't injure anyone's eyes too severely.
Forty-Two - Burning Down the House