Thirteen - Tools of the Trade


     If you don't remember Jackson LaRue and all that stuff Chalmers is talking about up there, I'd suggest you review "A Tooth for a Tooth," Doc's introductory story from last year. That story also shows how Doc tends to get himself into situations where the police have to come and save him. Y'know, it's a good thing Doc can do all that doctor stuff, 'cause he's a little inept in the heroing department.

     One more note: today marked, I believe, a year and a half since the Daily Grind contest began and therefore, a year and a half of comics here at Daily Grind. In honor of the occasion, I went through and added little descriptions for each of the past stories over on the Table of Contents page. In case anyone wants to get an idea of what a story's about without taking all the time and effort of actually reading the thing...